Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Limiting Texas Governors Terms

     Texas currently has no limit on the number of terms its governor can hold. I feel as though there should be a two term limit, our federal government has a limit and I believe Texas should too. Governor Perry has been in office since 2000, this is the longest any governor has held office in Texas history.  
     Due to the various political organizations that influence the decisions that Perry makes his appointment have profound impacts on the state. In more recent years, the influence of Super PACs has been visible in his campaigns and policies. He continuously reinstates officials that he has scattered throughout the Texas government and although they will continue to serve out their terms, eventually if Perry is no longer in office the government may find some sort of balance.
     If Texans limit the terms that we allow our governors to serve we may be able to prevent such a one sided monopoly and reintroduce diversity to our system. This diversity encourages economic growth by allowing the population to be included in everyday commerce. Texas is traditionally a low tax low service state; because Perry has been in office and kept the majority of the government republicans it has prevented change. For example, the outcome of the bill concerning the HPV vaccination could have been different if a governor without such a significant history was running the state, there may have been a different veto philosophy applied because he is not so closely affiliated with law makers that passed the bill.